We Provide All Basic Dental Treatments & Orthodontics Treatment. Give you healthy teeth & make your smile Brighter & Confident !
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Klinik Pergigian TN Smile Dental ~ Your Premier Destination for Comprehensive Dental Care!
At TN Smile Dental, we take pride in being your one-stop dental clinic, offering a wide range of essential dental treatments alongside expert orthodontic services. Our commitment is encapsulated in our tagline, 'Healthier Teeth, Brighter Smile,' as we dedicate ourselves to delivering the finest care to ensure not just your dental health but also your confidence.
Our team of dedicated professionals is here to provide you with top-tier treatment, guaranteeing the health of your teeth and the radiance of your smile. Say goodbye to dental concerns and embrace a brighter, more confident you at Klinik Pergigian TN Smile Dental!
TN Smile 专业牙医症所 ~ 您全面口腔护理的首选目的地!
TN Smile 专业牙医症所,是您的一站式牙科诊所!提供广泛的基本牙科治疗以及专业的牙齿乔正服务。我们的承诺就犹如我们的口号:更健康的牙齿,更明亮的微笑 !因为我们致力于提供最优质的护理,不仅确保您的牙齿健康,还增强您的自信!
我们的专业团队随时多准备为您提供一流的治疗,保证牙齿的健康和微笑的明亮。在TN Smile Dental,您可以告别牙齿问题,拥抱更明亮、更自信的自己!

Our Services 我们的服务:
Dental extraction 牙齿拔除
Filling 补牙
Scaling and polishing 洗牙和抛光
Whitening 美白
Preventive Dentisry treatment 预防性牙科治疗
Minor oral surgery 小型口腔手术
Orthodontics treatment (Braces) 正畸治疗
Restorative treatments (Crown and bridge, veneer) 修复性治疗(牙冠、牙桥、贴面)
Endodontics (Root canal treatment) 牙髓治疗
Prosthodontics (Denture) 口腔修复(假牙)
Pediatric dentistry (Kids) 儿童牙科治疗
For Further Info, Kindly Contact 欲知更多信息,请联系:
Dr. Tengku Najiah Bt Tengku Amir (Dr. TN)
BDS Al-Azhar, Egypt
Fellowship orthodontics (New York)
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